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Circuit training

Mit ClassPass kannst du Zirkeltrainings in den beliebtesten Studios in deiner Nähe ausprobieren. Von Zirkeltraining über Fitness-Bootcamps bis hin zu HIIT: Mit nur einer App findest du genau dein Ding.
Circuit training classes are exactly what you think they are: intense workouts. Circuit training is usually a full-body workout, consisting of squats, box jumps, and/or ropes. Circuit training typically includes a mix of strength training and HIIT, and can vary from studio to studio.

What is circuit training?

Circuit training is known for being intense and it’s also one of the best ways to give your entire body a workout without relying on machines. Circuit training combines a series of three to four exercises, followed by a brief period of rest, repeated several times. Most circuit training incorporates both strength training moves and plyometrics for a hard workout.
Besides physical benefits, you’ll also enjoy mental, emotional, and social benefits from circuit training, due to its focus on community and motivation.
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Advantages of circuit training

You’ll notice the improvement of strength, plus the ability to pack a punch into a short period of time. Circuit training also allows you to push yourself in new ways, is typically a team-style workout, and increases cardio abilities. Within 45 (or 60) minutes, you’ll have exercised just about every muscle in your body.

How much does a circuit training class cost?

A circuit training class will cost between $10 and $30, depending on your location.

Mehr Auswahl, weniger Kosten

Mit ClassPass sparst du bis zu 70 % gegenüber den Preisen, die du im Studio für eine Einheit oder ein Paket bezahlst – mit dem Unterschied, dass du dich nicht auf ein einzelnes Studio beschränken musst, sondern jeden Tag neu entscheiden kannst, wo du trainieren oder dich verwöhnen lassen willst.

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