Solet Beauty Care

Dieses Unternehmen befindet sich in einer anderen Zeitzone.

Sicherheit & Hygiene

Sicherheitsrichtlinien wurden von Solet Beauty Care bereitgestellt und zuletzt am 15.8.24 aktualisiert.


Heating system available, ventilation and air conditioning.

Strengere Hygienevorschriften

Everything is sanitized and sterilized after each client.

Begrenzte Kapazität

By appointment only


Fr., 31. Jan.
60 Min.

Basic facial (customized) Sin variación

40 Min.

Deluxe brows Brow shape with Hibrid dye

90 Min.

Dermaplaning facial dermaplaning + chemical peel

90 Min.

One Microneedle session Microneedling session

60 Min.

Basic facial (customized) Sin variación

40 Min.

Deluxe brows Brow shape with Hibrid dye

90 Min.

Dermaplaning facial dermaplaning + chemical peel

90 Min.

One Microneedle session Microneedling session

60 Min.

Basic facial (customized) Sin variación

40 Min.

Deluxe brows Brow shape with Hibrid dye

90 Min.

Dermaplaning facial dermaplaning + chemical peel

90 Min.

One Microneedle session Microneedling session

60 Min.

Basic facial (customized) Sin variación

40 Min.

Deluxe brows Brow shape with Hibrid dye

90 Min.

Dermaplaning facial dermaplaning + chemical peel

90 Min.

One Microneedle session Microneedling session

60 Min.

Basic facial (customized) Sin variación

40 Min.

Deluxe brows Brow shape with Hibrid dye

90 Min.

Dermaplaning facial dermaplaning + chemical peel

90 Min.

One Microneedle session Microneedling session

60 Min.

Basic facial (customized) Sin variación

40 Min.

Deluxe brows Brow shape with Hibrid dye

90 Min.

Dermaplaning facial dermaplaning + chemical peel

90 Min.

One Microneedle session Microneedling session

60 Min.

Basic facial (customized) Sin variación

40 Min.

Deluxe brows Brow shape with Hibrid dye

90 Min.

Dermaplaning facial dermaplaning + chemical peel

90 Min.

One Microneedle session Microneedling session

60 Min.

Basic facial (customized) Sin variación

40 Min.

Deluxe brows Brow shape with Hibrid dye

90 Min.

Dermaplaning facial dermaplaning + chemical peel

40 Min.

Deluxe brows Brow shape with Hibrid dye

Solet Beauty Care Bewertungen

5 Bewertungen
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Hispanic or Latinx-Owned


Wheelchair accessible



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