Robert Youngs Acupuncture
Sicherheit & Hygiene
Sicherheitsrichtlinien wurden von Robert Youngs Acupuncture bereitgestellt und zuletzt am 26.3.24 aktualisiert.
Richtlinien zum Tragen von Masken
1. The acupuncturist wears mask at all times. Please plan to wear a mask throughout the treatment.2. Please bring your clothes like a pair of shorts and for women a sports bra if you think you'll need work or cupping done on your back.
Strengere Hygienevorschriften
Our acupuncturists will be wearing masks and sanitizing surfaces after each visit including door knobs.
Nutzungsrichtlinien für Geräte
The acupuncturist wipes down all surfaces between patients - that said, please try not to touch anything unnecessarily.
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Natural Herbal Supplements, Herbs for Health (Celebrity Acupuncturist / Herbalist Explains!)
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