Ricci Kapricci - Fullerton

Dieses Unternehmen befindet sich in einer anderen Zeitzone.

Sicherheit & Hygiene

Sicherheitsrichtlinien wurden von Ricci Kapricci bereitgestellt und zuletzt am 25.6.20 aktualisiert.

Richtlinien zum Tragen von Masken

Masks are mandatory before entering the salon. If available, a clean disposable mask is preferred. We ask that clients do not wear gloves as they can increase the risk of cross contamination.

Maßnahmen zur räumlichen Distanzierung

We are operating every other station, meeting and exceeding the 6 foot social distancing measures. We have also limited the number of seats in our waiting area.

Strengere Hygienevorschriften

All surfaces and equipment are sanitized in between every client. We already have a high standard of cleanliness here at Ricci Kapricci, but we are doing everything we can to make sure the salon is safe and properly sanitized for our clients and staff.

Begrenzte Kapazität

We are operating at 12-25% capacity depending on the day.


Mo., 6. Mai
Für diesen Tag sind keine Reservierungen verfügbar

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