Olympic Stretch - Burbank

Dieses Unternehmen befindet sich in einer anderen Zeitzone.

Sicherheit & Hygiene

Sicherheitsrichtlinien wurden von Olympic Stretch bereitgestellt und zuletzt am 15.10.21 aktualisiert.

Richtlinien für Impfungen

Staff is vaccinated.

Richtlinien zum Tragen von Masken

All are required to wear masks at all times inside the studio.


Two hospital/medical-grade HEPA air filters that remove 99.97% of particles 0.1 microns and greater (including COVID-19 particles). The one-room stretch studio (375 sq. ft. total) also has an oscillating fan and air conditioning to circulate and improve air flow.

Strengere Hygienevorschriften

All equipment and high-touch surfaces will be deep-cleaned and sanitized between each use.


Di., 4. Juni
25 Min.

Olympic Stretch Therapy - 25 Minutes Regular

50 Min.

Olympic Stretch Therapy - 50 Minutes Regular

25 Min.

Olympic Stretch Therapy - 25 Minutes Regular

50 Min.

Olympic Stretch Therapy - 50 Minutes Regular

25 Min.

Olympic Stretch Therapy - 25 Minutes Regular

50 Min.

Olympic Stretch Therapy - 50 Minutes Regular

25 Min.

Olympic Stretch Therapy - 25 Minutes Regular

50 Min.

Olympic Stretch Therapy - 50 Minutes Regular

25 Min.

Olympic Stretch Therapy - 25 Minutes Regular

50 Min.

Olympic Stretch Therapy - 50 Minutes Regular

25 Min.

Olympic Stretch Therapy - 25 Minutes Regular

50 Min.

Olympic Stretch Therapy - 50 Minutes Regular

25 Min.

Olympic Stretch Therapy - 25 Minutes Regular

25 Min.

Olympic Stretch Therapy - 25 Minutes Regular

50 Min.

Olympic Stretch Therapy - 50 Minutes Regular

25 Min.

Olympic Stretch Therapy - 25 Minutes Regular

50 Min.

Olympic Stretch Therapy - 50 Minutes Regular

25 Min.

Olympic Stretch Therapy - 25 Minutes Regular

50 Min.

Olympic Stretch Therapy - 50 Minutes Regular

25 Min.

Olympic Stretch Therapy - 25 Minutes Regular

Olympic Stretch Bewertungen

100+ Bewertungen
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