Jazzercise - Portland, Happy Valley and Oregon City

Dieses Unternehmen befindet sich in einer anderen Zeitzone.

Sicherheit & Hygiene

Sicherheitsrichtlinien wurden von Jazzercise bereitgestellt und zuletzt am 11.4.24 aktualisiert.


Our Centers are equipped with air purifiers and plenty of air circulation. Your safety and health are of utmost importance to us.

Strengere Hygienevorschriften

We have disinfecting wipes and spray around our centers for our weights and mats. We aim to have a safe and clean studio for all our customers.

Begrenzte Kapazität

Our Portland Center is considered a boutique fitness facility with limited capacity. Please sign up early to reserve your spot.


Do., 2. Mai
60 Min.

Cardio Sculpt 60

Haley S.
30 Min.

Stretch 30

Haley S.
60 Min.

Cardio Sculpt 60

Kathleen T.
60 Min.

Cardio Sculpt 60

Jillian F.

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