Jana Loving Life - Tree Of Life Centre

Sicherheit & Hygiene

Sicherheitsrichtlinien wurden von Jana Loving Life bereitgestellt und zuletzt am 13.11.24 aktualisiert.

Richtlinien zum Tragen von Masken

Face masks and visors are optional during a class. You can also enter or leave via the studio door without wearing a mask – BUT – please be aware that you MUST wear a mask if you enter communal areas of the Centre including the reception area and corridors, where distancing cannot be maintained.

Maßnahmen zur räumlichen Distanzierung

2 meters distance in the class. You must filled a covid -19 health declaration. Once you book with the ClassPass, go to https://tolcentre.as.me/meditation. In the section of payment choose the second option:" I will contact Jana". Jana will be aware that your class will be payed through ClassPass.


The studio has a new air extraction system that removes air out of the studio (from anoutlet near the main entrance door) and introduces fresh air from the back of thebuilding via a new panel in the centre of the ceiling.

Strengere Hygienevorschriften

High touch surfaces will be deep cleaned between each class and between use.


Mi., 22. Jan.
Für diesen Tag sind keine Reservierungen verfügbar

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