Grab A Game

Dieses Unternehmen befindet sich in einer anderen Zeitzone.

Sicherheit & Hygiene

Sicherheitsrichtlinien wurden von Grab A Game bereitgestellt und zuletzt am 7.2.24 aktualisiert.

Begrenzte Kapazität

Each game has limited capacity to keep group sizes down and also guarantee playing time.

Kontaktloses Einchecken

Each participant is required to register and pay in advance for themselves and is checked in before play.


Sa., 4. Mai
60 Min.

Pickleball - Learn to Play + Practice at Lincoln Yards

Sai K
120 Min.

Pickleball (Outdoor) Mini-Tournament at BCP Gold Coast

Marty B
90 Min.

Basketball at British School - Lincoln Park

Brett P
120 Min.

Volleyball - Upper-Intermediate (BB) at British School

Brett P
120 Min.

Volleyball - Intermediate (B) - at Drucker Center

Lala T
120 Min.

Pickleball (Outdoor) Mini-Tournament at BCP Lincoln Yards

Sai K
120 Min.

Volleyball - Upper-Intermediate (BB) - at Drucker Center

Jose M
120 Min.

Volleyball Tryout - B+/ BB at Intentional Sports

Lala T
120 Min.

Volleyball - Intermediate (B) at Intentional Sports

Lala T
120 Min.

Volleyball - B+/BB Pickup at Intentional Sports

Lala T
120 Min.

Volleyball - Upper-Intermediate (BB) at Intentional Sports

Lala T
90 Min.

Volleyball - Intermediate (B) at Robert Crown - Evanston

Hosted By Grab A Game

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