Cross Kicks Fitness - Algonquin, IL

Dieses Unternehmen befindet sich in einer anderen Zeitzone.

Sicherheit & Hygiene

Sicherheitsrichtlinien wurden von Cross Kicks Fitness bereitgestellt und zuletzt am 26.2.24 aktualisiert.

Strengere Hygienevorschriften

Our facilities get a deep clean before and after every shift. We have multiple sanitizing stations set up throughout the club, spray bottles, and microfiber towels at all stations, and hand sanitizer at all entrances. Bathrooms are open with additional sanitizer and hand soap.

Kontaktloses Einchecken

Scan card access is set up


Mo., 13. Mai
30 Min.

Legs and Core Strong

30 Min.

Legs and Core Strong

30 Min.

Legs and Core Strong

30 Min.

Legs and Core Strong

30 Min.

Legs and Core Strong

30 Min.

Legs and Core Strong

30 Min.

Legs and Core Strong

30 Min.

Legs and Core Strong

30 Min.

Legs and Core Strong

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