BARRE BELLE - Queen Street
Sicherheit & Hygiene
Sicherheitsrichtlinien wurden von BARRE BELLE bereitgestellt und zuletzt am 9.4.24 aktualisiert.
Upgraded our air ventilation with hospital-grade MERV 13 filters, which capture air-born droplet nuclei and other particles that viruses and bacteria are attached to. Our air system was replaced in 2019 and is equipped with Energy Recovery Ventilators which exchange stale air inside with outside air
Strengere Hygienevorschriften
Our staff use hospital-grade disinfectants provided by CINTAS. The space is deep cleaned weekly by Jan-Pro including their electrostatic EnviroShield™ technology. Disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer will be available to clients to wipe your own equipment if you feel more comfortable doing so.
Begrenzte Kapazität
Maximum class size will be 75% capacity
Kontaktloses Einchecken
Lobby will be locked between classes. Please arrive NO EARLIER than 10 minutes before class and let the front desk know your name upon arrival.
Signature Barre - Burn (50 min)
Lexie StrahanSignature Barre - Burn (50 min)
Tara QuinlanAAA - Arms, Ass & Abs (50 min)
Makenzie TibboGlow & Flow (50 min)
Makenzie TibboBARRE BELLE Bewertungen
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 1
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Wheelchair accessible