The Lodge Des Peres
Sicherheit & Hygiene
Sicherheitsrichtlinien wurden von The Lodge Des Peres bereitgestellt und zuletzt am 19.12.22 aktualisiert.
Strengere Hygienevorschriften
When you arrive you will grab a cleaning towel along with a Sanitizer Spray Bottle. You will use them to clean the equipment before and after class. Employees will clean the equipment periodically throughout the day.
Begrenzte Kapazität
We have decreased our maximum capacity of our classes to 12 to allow for ample social distancing.
Kontaktloses Einchecken
Simply inform the front desk you are here to take the specific group exercise class and they will check you in. We are no longer using our laminated group exercise cards as your ticket into the class.
Nutzungsrichtlinien für Geräte
We will provide all equipment necessary to take our classes. Please feel free to bring your own mat, exercise band etc. if it makes you more comfortable.
Empfohlen in Top-Kursen für
Yoga for EveryBODY
Hal G.Group Strength
Laura P.Barre
Laura P.The Lodge Des Peres Bewertungen
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