- オススメの「シロダーラ」で日頃のストレスから解放され、心身共にリフレッシュ。ワンランク上の癒し時間をご提供します。 バリニーズアロマ&スパLull はClassPass…
- Regeneration & Erholung, Spa-Anwendung, …
セカンドコレクト南青山, 東京都港区南青山1丁目11−39 1139 南青山1階, 港区Sicherheitsrichtlinien東京都港区の青山一丁目駅から徒歩5分の港区南青山にあるセカンドコレクト南青山は、主に整体、骨盤矯正、小顔矯正、ストレッチ、トレーニング、ネトラバスティ、鍼灸など… - Regeneration & Erholung, Akupunktur, …
iCure鍼灸接骨院 - 人形町, Nihonbashiningyocho, 3 Chome−6−6 No.R日本橋人形町1F, 中央区整骨院の大手だからこそ実現できる充実したサービスと安心の技術でお客様の心と体を整えますiCure鍼灸接骨院 人形町 はClassPassのウェルネス・ビュー… - 整骨院の大手だからこそ実現できる充実したサービスと安心の技術でお客様の心と体を整えますiCure鍼灸接骨院 田園調布 はClassPassのウェルネス・ビュ…
- HAUOLA パーソナル鍼灸整体ジム 恵比寿2は恵比寿駅から徒歩4分の場所にあるパーソナル鍼灸整体サロンです!当サロンは、初回7,700円でHAUOLA式 FIVE…
- 整骨院の大手だからこそ実現できる充実したサービスと安心の技術でお客様の心と体を整えますiCure鍼灸接骨院 巣鴨 はClassPassのウェルネス・ビューテ…
- HAUOLA パーソナル鍼灸整体 恵比寿は恵比寿駅から徒歩2分の場所にあるパーソナル鍼灸整体サロンです!当サロンは、初回7,700円でHAUOLA式 FIVE…
- We offers you Gyrotonic, Massage and Acupuncture.Gyrotonic is an exercise to stretch…
- 都心で深呼吸。緑あふれる空間であなたのあるべき姿を取り戻す。かかりつけのスタジオとして、あなたの心、身体、生活にトータルで向き合い、その日の身体や気分をもと…
- 整骨院の大手だからこそ実現できる充実したサービスと安心の技術でお客様の心と体を整えますiCure鍼灸接骨院 虎ノ門 はClassPassのウェルネス・ビュー…
- 運動不足解消、ダイエット、ボディメイク、体質/姿勢改善、体力向上、怪我予防など、あらゆる目的に対し、ファンクショナル/サーキットトレーニング・ヨガ/ピラティス・…
パーソナルストレッチ 60分
alle Bewertungen anzeigenI recently had the pleasure of visiting Prime Maintenance (プライムメンテナンス)マッサージ&ストレッチ専門店 in Outer Gaienmae, Omotesando, and I must say that it was a truly life-changing experience. As someone who has struggled with mobility and flexibility issues, I was blown away by the expertise and attention to detail of the therapists at Prime Maintenance. From the moment I walked in, I was greeted with a warm and welcoming atmosphere, and the staff were friendly and attentive. They took the time to listen to my concerns and understand my specific needs and then tailored the massage and stretch therapy to address those areas. The therapists at Prime Maintenance were extremely detailed and thorough in their approach, taking the time to work out all the knots and kinks in my muscles and joints. They were able to identify areas of tension and stiffness that I wasn't even aware of and worked to release those areas and improve my overall mobility and flexibility. What truly impressed me, however, was the level of education and guidance that the therapists provided. At the end of the session, they took the time to go over all of my problem areas and showed me a few simple exercises and stretches that I could do daily to improve my mobility and flexibility. This level of attention to detail and commitment to helping me achieve my goals was truly impressive, and I felt like I was in good hands. The facilities at Prime Maintenance were also top-notch, with a clean and comfortable environment that made me feel at ease. The therapists were all highly trained and experienced, and it was clear that they were passionate about their work. Overall, I would highly recommend Prime Maintenance to anyone looking for a high-quality massage and stretch therapy experience. The therapists are knowledgeable, attentive, and dedicated to helping you achieve your goals, and the facilities are clean and comfortable. Whether you're looking to improve your mobility and flexibility or simply relax and unwind, Prime Maintenance is the perfect place to go. Rating Breakdown: Service: 5/5 Atmosphere: 5/5 Value: 5/5 Expertise: 5/5 Recommendation: If you're looking for a high-quality massage and stretch therapy experience in Tokyo, I would highly recommend Prime Maintenance. The therapists are knowledgeable and attentive, and the facilities are clean and comfortable. Be sure to communicate your specific needs and goals with the therapists, and they will work with you to create a customized plan to help you achieve them.
ストレッチで健康な身体を医療の発達によって飛躍的「平均寿命」が延びている現代。長い人生を不便なく楽しむには、健やかに過ごせる期間、「健康寿命」も共に延ばして…- (English follows)「自由が丘・緑ヶ丘の小顔矯正&骨盤矯正なら〖美骨Labo 自由が丘〗にご相談ください。-施術内容-美容整体・カイロプラ…
alle Bewertungen anzeigenFirst I filled out a form about issues I had and the kind of treatment I needed. Staff was super friendly, but unfortunately, there was no English form available neither did the staff speak English, but I managed with translator.. the treatment was really good and I felt refreshed afterwards. Will definitely go again!
整骨院の大手だからこそ実現できる充実したサービスと安心の技術でお客様の心と体を整えますiCure鍼灸接骨院 荻窪 はClassPassのウェルネス・ビューテ…- Krafttraining, Stretching, …
Freedom Women's Fitness 【女性専用】
Freedom women's fitness, 東京都東村山市栄町2丁目32−13 2階, 東村山市女性専用だからこそ、あなたを応援できる東村山市・小平市の女性専用のフィットネススタジオ『Freedom women’s fitness』特徴は天井に『ベビー… - Regeneration & Erholung, Personal Training
Re.Training Gym
Re.Training Gym 中目黒, 3-1-14 Kamimeguro, , 目黒区〝正しい姿勢で健康かつ バランスの良い身体〟を提供する コンディショニング&トレーニングジム - Regeneration & Erholung, Personal Training, …
ARTISAN Personal Training
南青山4-24-4 TKハウス地下1階, 港区Sicherheitsrichtlinien【スタートキャンペーン実施中!お早めにお試しください!】「楽しみの中から、自分らしく美しいカラダを手にいれる。人生をdisportできるカラダづくり。」日… - Auliiで行うピラティスは、男性・女性はもちろん、年齢を問わずにどなたでもレッスンを受けていただけます。リハビリを目的とされ考案されたピラティスは、術後のリハ…
- We offers you Gyrotonic, Massage and Acupuncture.Gyrotonic is an exercise to stretch…