- Boxen, Krafttraining
Rowdy Box
Menara SMBC, Podium, Jl. DR. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung No.5 Level 3, RT.5/RW.6, Kuningan, East Kuningan, Setiabudi, South Jakarta City, JakartaSicherheitsrichtlinienRowdyBox for Beginners (RFB)
alle Bewertungen anzeigenCoach Calysta is always my fav rowdy coach! She motivated us to give our best and make it count and honestly that's what we need the most for any workout mainly when we don't feel to show up. And as usual, her personal touch is what makes her the best amongst other coaches :)
RowdyBox is for the urban athlete, keyboard jockey or spicy grandma seeking an effective… - Kampfsport, Krafttraining, …
Jl. Darmawangsa-X, Cipete Utara, Kec. Kby. Baru, No.19, Jakarta SelatanSicherheitsrichtlinienWarrior Strength Camp
alle Bewertungen anzeigenBaguuus. Coach Bams teliti banget ngebenerin postur dan gerakan peserta, sampai gear / aksesoris yang potensi buat cedera diperhatikan dan diminta lepas (e.g. Sepatu yang terlalu empuk). Coach juga selalu encourage peserta buat push tambah beban.
If you’re looking for a studio with classes that are as challenging as they are fun… - Boxen
Elbow Box
Jl. Cikajang No.41, RT.1/RW.5,, Petogogan, Kec. Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota, JakartaCircuit Boxing/Kick Boxing/Muay Thai
alle Bewertungen anzeigenI recently tried out a beginner boxing session at Elbox Box, and I couldn’t have asked for a better experience as a first-timer! The trainers were incredibly welcoming and made sure I understood the basics before jumping into the workout. The session was well-paced, with a good mix of technique drills, strength training, and cardio, so it kept me challenged but not overwhelmed.
Made in 2019, ElbowBox inspires and empowers individuals to take control of their… - Boxen, Kampfsport
Warrior Bronx JKT
Jln. Pademangan IV GG.17 No.37Jakarta, Indonesia 14410, Jakarta UtaraSicherheitsrichtlinienIf you’re looking for a studio with classes that are as challenging as they are fun… - Welcome to Han Academy newest camp addition, your ultimate destination for all things…